Statement of Philosophy

At Calvary, the endorsement of Christian faith, belief and values are an integral part of who we are and what we do.  We have five key values which guide us.  These values are excellence, persistence, goodness, faithfulness and a heart to serve.  We believe that we need to reflect this in our everyday practise.  Therefore, we endeavour to continually upgrade our skills to set and attain standards of excellence.  We also strategically remind, realign and reignite ourselves and our understanding of current information through regular professional development opportunities and by networking with other community stakeholders.

We believe that each child is a unique individual who is loved by Christ, and who is a valued participant in an ongoing learning journey.  Children thrive in a safe, warm and enriching environment, where there is a sense of connectedness.  The indoor and outdoor environment should be inviting, aesthetically appealing and well organised; where children are nurtured and encouraged to be creative.  We want children to feel safe and have a positive sense of wellbeing in the care environment.  It is important to us that we maintain a healthy, clean and safe environment for all.  We strive to be an inclusive environment which promotes competence and supports exploration and play based learning.  Further, it is our aim to create an environment that is reflective and accepting of a diversity of cultures and abilities.  Australia is a nation of great diversity and we endeavour to understand, respect and value the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people of this land.

Our team aim to collaborate respectfully with children, families, the wider community and each other, in order to facilitate children’s learning.  We believe that children first belong to their family and from there form other wider relationships.  Families know their children best and recognise the importance of creating a mutually supported partnership with each child’s family.  Parents are key providers of information about their children and we encourage them to share knowledge, skills and culture with staff and other children within the Centre. 

We understand that consistency in a child’s day is important and every effort is made for children to experience continuity of educators to enhance connectedness.  We recognise that a sense of belonging and identity is a child’s fundamental need and we endeavour to meet that need. 

In the experiences we provide, both planned and spontaneous, we strive to foster and build upon each child’s progress across all five ‘Learning Outcomes’.  These are prescribed in the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia and view children as ‘belonging’, ‘being’ and ‘becoming’ individuals.  We believe that children are capable learners and thus encourage the agency of children towards active learning opportunities.  It is our conviction that children have a voice and they are encouraged to be involved in their own learning journeys and reflections.

We believe that childhood should be a time for enjoyment, wonder and learning.  It is a special time for children to be themselves, as well as to make meaning out of their world. Children learn how to make connections with others and how to contribute to their world through their experiences, play, routines and interactions; as well as by being guided in a positive manner.

Developed by staff in June 2008 incorporating supplementary information forms filled in by parents upon enrolment.  Ratified by CCC Board November 2008.  Revised in July 2012 in compliance with National Quality Improvement Framework. Revised in August 2019 in conjunction with the Revised National Standards and Guiding Principles.